come together zine 旅遊插畫繪本與明信片

我喜歡設計,我也喜歡旅行,去了趟澳洲,第一次當背包客,所有的事項要自己來準備跟規劃,第一次認識外國朋友,深刻體驗到不同的文化交流,第一次自己一個人自助旅行,體驗一個人旅行的樂趣。很多時候有了第一次才知道外面的世界多麼有趣、多麼寬廣,有太多好玩的事情值得我們去發掘,現在想要保有這樣的熱情繼續做自己喜歡的事情,透過插畫設計與旅行經驗相結合,希望大家會喜歡。 特別感謝在這趟旅途中幫助的朋友雪莉、Glume、Doris、Tze Huay及其家人們。

I like to design and travel. I went to Australia last year. When I was a backpacker, all of things had to prepare and plan by myself, and I met foreign friends, experienced to different cultural profoundly, and I went to travel by myself, experience the fun of a person’s travel. Sometimes when we have the first experience, we will know how the outside world is so interesting and wide. There are many interesting things that are worthy to be discovered, so I want to keep this enthusiasm to do the things I like. I will combine illustration and travel experiences. Finally, I hope you will like this. Special thanks to my friend Shirley, Glume, Doris, Tze Huay, and her family.

澳洲 墨爾本旅遊系列明信片

melbourne postcard

35號觀光電車  35 City Circle Tram


墨爾本有一輛免費的古老觀光電車“ City Circle Tram ”,電車號碼是35號。這台電車保留了早期電車的古老木頭座位,酒紅色的外型散發出陣陣的古早味,是墨爾本不可或缺的主角之一。電車繞著市區的街道跑,有順時針方向,也有逆時針方向走,幾乎市中心的重要景點都會經過,載滿了旅人在墨爾本的回憶。

There is a free ancient tram which is called “City Circle Tram” in Melbourne. The tram number is 35. This tram retains the old wooden seats and wine red appearance bursts retro flavor. That is one of the indispensable leading role in Melbourne. The tram run around the city streets. There is clockwise direction or counterclockwise direction. It almost go through important sightseeing in downtown, loaded with memories of travelers in Melbourne.

melbourne postcard

弗林德斯車站 Flinders Street Station


弗林德斯車站是墨爾本的市中心,青銅圓頂設計及整片黃色石材建築,讓這座歷史悠久的火車站,顯得更加耀眼。車站前除了是親人朋友的會面之處,也是街頭藝人的表演場所,附近有許多藝術與音樂的匯集地。入夜之後,建築物外昏黃的燈光點亮時,展現出維多利亞建築另一種古典華麗的壯觀風貌,體驗到不同於白天的景致 。
Flinders Street Station is the downtown of Melbourne. Bronze dome and the whole yellow stone building let this historic train station more dazzling. It’s not only being the place where meets friends and relatives, but also the venue of street artists. There are many art and music gathering place. After nightfall, when dim lights flash outside the building, showing another spectacular, ornate, and classical style of Victorian building, experiencing different from day views.

melbourne postcard

塗鴉街  Grafitti Street 


St. Paul Cathedral’s near alley was a graffiti street. I liked graffiti very much. I originally planned to find some graffiti spots in Melbourne and never expect found it so fast. They were different from Taiwanese graffiti. I’m really an eye-opener. Shirley and me were crazy in taking pictures for a long time

melbourne postcard

菲利浦島  Phillip Island



People could see little penguins on the beach back to shore in Phillip Island. We luckily saw little penguins trying to back to shore. They hard to moved their body forward. It’s really cute! Little penguin is very faithful. When they came ashore, they would be waiting for their lover. If its lover don’t come in this place, it would have been waiting the same place. Hope them to meet their lovers.

melbourne postcard

庫克船長小屋  Captain Cook`s Cottage



Everything is so fresh in Australia. I didn’t want to miss watching every corner. We planned to see St. Patrick’s Cathedral and Captain Cook’s cottage, but  we had no sense of direction, so we could’t find Captain Cook’s cottage. Unexpectedly, we came to Fitzroy garden where had bright and open environment littered with yellow maple leaves, as if we came to Canada. It was very beautiful. Although we didn’t find Captain Cook’s cottage, but I felt better than scheduled.

澳洲 雪梨旅遊系列明信片

sydney postcard

雪梨歌劇院  Sydney Opera


今天是第一次逛雪梨的景點,走在路上格外緊張,怕被搶劫而不時注意周遭,靠著手中的地圖跟手機導航,很快地就來到海德公園,對面就是聖瑪莉教堂,頭一次看到外國的教堂格外興奮,試圖想把教堂一口氣放入照片中。但教堂太高大了,只能拍到一部分,於是想找路人來幫我拍,一直緊張的不知如何開頭,有位像華人的女生在教堂前拍照,趁她拍完之前請求她幫忙,就這樣我們搭上了話,也剛好跟我今天要去的地方一樣,決定兩個人一起走。 她是來自上海的樂佳,住在位於雪梨郊外的舅舅家。多了一個人一起走,互相有照應,一路上聊了自己的事,也聊到上海跟台灣的特色,想拍照的時候就互相幫忙,心情感覺放鬆不少。我們從雪梨歌劇院沿著環形碼頭走到雪梨港灣大橋,聽著拉大提琴的雙人組街頭藝人表演,很多澳洲人隨意坐在草地上曬著陽光吃午餐,感覺簡單卻很幸福。

It was my first time visiting the sights of Sydney. I was afraid that someone would robbed me, so I raised my vigilance. I relied on the google map of my mobile to come to Hyde Park quickly. The opposite site of Hyde Park is St. Mary’s Cathedral. It was my first time to see the foreign cathedral, so I was very exciting. I tried to photograph the cathedral, but I only could photograph a part of it, so I asked for passers help me. There was a Chinese girl photographing the cathedral, I asked her for help. She said that we could visit the city together. She’s Le-Jia, came from Shanghai and lived in her uncle’s house in Sydney countryside. Two person could take care each other. We told about the different characteristic of Shanghai & Taiwan, and we took pictures for each other. We went from Sydney Opera along Circular Quay and Sydney Harbour Bridge, listened to the cello duo buskers, many Australians sat on the grass to eat lunch, made me feeling the simple happiness.

sydney postcard

藍山  Blue Mountains


藍山國家公園有著淒美的故事還有壯麗的景觀,但最吸引我的應該是他們的觀光交通工具,有三種特殊的纜車(Railway、Cableway、Skyway)可乘坐,來觀賞不同角度的藍山,非常地吸引我。 一大早搭火車再轉乘公車到回聲角瞭望台看三姊妹岩,然後走路到景觀世界,首先決定先搭乘看起來最刺激的Railway!!網路上很多人說這個很傾斜,斜到快90度,速度也很快,終於車子開始往下移動,一下子就衝到底下了,沒有很恐怖,然後下車走Walkway到下一個點,一個人漫步在森林裡,遠離塵囂的感覺很舒服。Cableway跟Skyway像放大版的纜車,在山谷與山谷之間可瀏覽到整個藍山的景色,非常地壯麗。看得差不多後準備往費爾德野生動物園移動,此時卻發現我的通用車票不見了,這也讓後續的行程整個大亂,只能怪自己太不小心了。

Blue Mountains National Park has a poignant story and magnificent landscape, but the most special things should be their convenient sightseeing transportation. There are three special lifts (Railway, Cableway, Skyway) can take different angles to watch the Blue Mountains. It’s very appealing to me. I took train in the morning and then take a bus to see the Three Sisters. Then I walked to Scenic World, I decided to take Railway that is the most exciting transportation!! Many people said that Railway was very tilted, iclined 90 degrees, its speed was very fast. Railway began to move down, suddenly rushed to the bottom. It’s not scary. Then I got off Railway to the next place. A person walked in the forest, away from the city felt very comfortable. Cableway was like a larger version cable car,  I could browse to the Blue Mountains between the valley and the other valley. It’s very magnificent.

sydney postcard

邦迪海灘  Bondi Beach


雖然我對雪梨做了很多功課,但計劃總趕不上變化,對於地理位置不了解,打亂了我的思考,突然英國室友問我:「明天想去哪邊?」我一聽到英文,腦筋呈現一片空白,想講出想去的景點名稱,卻不知道該如何發音,我亂講一通後發現他們不懂,當下直接拿地圖比給他們看,然後用爛爛的英文溝通,他們說明天他們要去邦迪海灘,他們邀我一起去,心想那就跟他們去看看好了,於是請他們帶我去。 隔天搭上雙層火車再轉乘公車,來到邦迪海灘,藍天白雲和白砂,很多外國人在沙灘上做日光浴,Louise、Nat、Ria他們拿出地墊鋪在沙灘上,我沒有帶只好坐在沙灘上,他們自然地看書、聊天,我無法用太多英文溝通,於是提議想到處走走拍照,我走到海邊靜靜地欣賞眼前的美景,感受著溫暖的陽光,到處是外國帥哥,也有人在衝浪。老實說一開始並沒有要去海灘,一個人去海灘好像有點無趣,多虧了旅行才能讓我體驗到這美麗的風景,也能夠有這些我不曾有過的體驗。

Although I did a lot of homework about Sydney, but the plan always kept changing. I was confused about the location of the place, My British roommate suddenly asked me “Where will you go tomorrow ?” But my English was very poor. I didn’t know how to pronounce that, so I took a guide map to explain where I wanted to go. They said they would go to  Bondi Beach tomorrow. They invited me to go together. The next day, we took a train and a bus to Bondi beach. Blue sky and white sand. Many foreigners did sunbathing on the beach. Louise, Nat, and Ria sat on the beach mats, I didn’t bring beach mat, so I sat on the beach. They read and chatted naturally, but my English was not well, so I went around the beach to enjoy the beauty of the place, and feel the warm sun. Actually, I didn’t plan to go to beach at first. A man went to the beach seemed a bit boring, but thanks to them let me to experience the beautiful scenery.

sydney postcard




In Sydney downtown, there is a Private attractions. There is countless birds cage and giving off a sweet sound on the top of the alley. It is known as “forgotten song”, commonly known as birdcage street, which is a very special and interesting installation art in Sydney. Metaphor mocking modern concrete jungle replacing the original bird habitat, leaving one empty birdcage and let people gradually forgotten song.

sydney postcard

費爾德野生動物園  Featherdale Wildlife Park



In Featherdale wildlife park, I saw many unique zoo in Australia, such as kangaroos, koalas, penguins, wombats, etc. The most interesting thing was that I could contact with the animals closely. when I saw wallabies for the first time, I still a little scared, because their figure were a little big. Fortunately they were very mild and their action were very slow, so I could touch them heartily. This was so strange! And then I saw wombats whose nose like a pig, its eyes was very sincere, so I like it immediately.

